Friday, January 31, 2020

How Mass Media and Communication Changed Great Britain Over the Last Essay

How Mass Media and Communication Changed Great Britain Over the Last Years - Essay Example Apart from transmitting the culture of a society from one generation to another, the mass media is very important in collecting information on the various aspects of human life like health, education, environment, economics, politics, culture and social changes. They then communicate any changes in these and help in correlating the many parts of the society in regard to changes in the environment. Because of this, mass media has been able to bring lot of transformations in many societies including Great Britain, especially in the last 10 years. Media-mediated/media-enabled changes in Great Britain There has been considerable experience in relation to the value and role played by the mass media and communication systems in Great Britain in health promotion and bringing about changes in health policies. One of the best examples of this is the public smoking ban. Under this ban, no one is allowed to smoke in places that people visit to obtain various goods and services, especially enclo sed places ( 2010 and 2010). These include shopping malls, restaurants, bars, any government premise or office among others. Many people agreed with the ideas of Mrs. Hewitt â€Å"not only will we be able to protect non-smokers and the huge majority of pub workers from the harmful effects of smoke. It will also provide smokers with an environment where it's easier to give up" (BBC News 2005, par ). This bill was, therefore, used to encourage the quitting from smoking in Great Britain. Through the use of mass media approaches, organizations dealing with health matters have been able to conduct some social advocacy which has promoted personal education. According to Catford (1995), the mass media are powerful in promoting health and bringing about responsive organizational and personal changes through the promotion of health products and discouraging the use of destructive products, introducing personal health skills and, providing information and advice on hea lthy living. This, in turn, has led to significant changes in personal and group behaviors in regard to issues affecting health. They have also resulted to environmental and organizational changes. Media outlets that have been important in promoting health in Great Britain include newspapers, television, radio, leaflet, posters and books. Mass media reports about the environment have led to a number of changes in regard to the treatment of the environment. Mass communications have played an important role in communicating environmental issues. Among the hot issues in this respect include global warning and pollution. In regard to this, the mass media has provided an important link between politics and formal environmental science, and the realities of how people and their various social, economic and cultural processes experience and interact with their environment. Continually, they report of the ongoing public understanding and action or engagement on with environmental issues lik e international conferences on the environment and their resultant declarations or resolutions (Boykoff 2009). Although the mass media and communication do not determine engagement, they have greatly increased environmental awareness and valuation by the entire Great Britain society. In essence, mass media have enabled the people of Great Britain make sense of the various complexities relating to governance and environmental sci

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Do Rich and Poor Districts Spend Alike? :: essays research papers

Do Rich and Poor Districts Spend Alike? (NCES 97-916) Ordering Information The right to a free and public education has long been considered to be at the heart of the American ideal of equal opportunity for all. The importance placed on public elementary and secondary education services is reflected in an annual expenditure of approximately $250 billion. Given the magnitude of this investment, it is not surprising that there is also a great deal of interest in how these dollars are allocated to students. One result of this interest is a long Mitigative and research history examimng the relationship between access to public education resources and community wealth (e.g., Berne and Stiefel 1984). The purpose of this brief is to provide a direct view of this relationship across all of the school districts of the nation for the 1989–90 school year. These findings are based on a Research and Development Report (Parrish, Matsumoto, and Fowler 1995) produced by the National Center for Education Statistics. Since this research is intended to be developmental in nature, these resuks should be considered tentative and suggestive. Although different measures of community wealth and public education resources may be used, in this analysis community wealth is defined as the median income of the households located within school district boundaries./1 This measure of wealth is compared to three alternative measures of the resources available to public schools in the district. These are expenditures per student, expenditures converted to education "buying power," and the average number of students per teacher. The first measure is in actual unadjusted dollars; the second i s an estimate of the relative power of those dollars to buy education resources; and the third is a direct measure of arguably the most critical single education resource, the ratio of students to teachers. While dollars and students per teacher are direct measures of the actual resources received by students, "buying power" is a new concept currently under development by the education research community. These three measures represent a progression from the dollars available for students, to an estimate of the relative power of those dollars to buy education resources, to a direct measure of those resources. Districts with high-income households have more to spend for public education. Differences in public education spending are most pronounced at the extremes of median household income (figure 1). The average public education expenditure in districts serving students in the nation's poorest communities (i.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hockey Observation Report

Yesterday was the first time bought a ticket to watch a live game of junior hockey. I sat behind the net of Pets for two periods and watched the game. That's a great place to see if London boys are going to shoot the puck into the net or not, but also, it's hard to look at the left way of the rink to follow the game. It was a great time, and it is much better than watching on TV or internet. I can really fell the atmosphere at the stadium and enjoy the game. That was the game that people expected London Knights will get the ten-game winning streak, but London boys were lost before over 9,000 fans atBudweiser Gardens. Subculture Members Senior was the largest group of audiences in Budweiser Gardens. You probably could see them everywhere, and they also are one of biggest fans of London Knights. It's easy to recognize them by their outlooks, drinks they had (mostly were beer for men), clothes (they dressed London Knight Jerseys with old design, not the new one). They have huge knowledg e not only about Indo Knights hockey, but also about other subcultures of hockey: women hockey, NIL, Olympic hockey†¦ Junior and minor also are big parts of fans.They normally had a group of friends and watched the game together. They wore hoodoos or hockey jerseys with jeans and sneakers. You could hear them talk about the game and players that they adore not only London Knights but also other teams from NIL such as Toronto Maple Leaf, Detroit Red wings, Winnipeg Jets Young adults came to the game alone or with their friends. They drank beers, and their outlooks are different with: Jeans, shirts or T-shirts, caps†¦ Beside the topic about London hockey, they also talked about NIL, works, loves, lives†¦ Its not hard to define them with other groups.Families came to the game with their children. They talked to kids bout hockey, players, the rinks, the puck†¦ I believe that a passion Of a kid was developed by their parents, especially their fathers. Kids and then Wi ll become a big fan of hockey and could be a good player too. Beliefs and Values At the last two minutes, after the coach of London decided not to put the goalie on the rink to protect the net after they got the first shot, but another player, Petrography got the chance to shoot the third score in the net of team London. A lot of audiences felt angry and disappointed; they screamed loud.They stood up and left their seats to go home because they believed hat London would lose because no more chances for London to get 3 shots into the net of Petrography to win the game, and finally, Knights' boys were lost. When one player of Petrography had to get in the penalty box and London Knights had a good chance to score, all of audiences that Loon's fans started standing up and chanting: â€Å"Go, Knights go! Go Knights go! † to cheers for the boys because fans believed that London could get one shot for that big chance. They were absolutely right; London boys slapped grateful shot int o the net with all hard try.The scaffold was blow upped by those screams of London fans. Customs and Behaviors Before the game began, everyone stood up and Sang the song â€Å"O Canada†. Almost everybody just stood up and listened to children's choir sing the song, but the man who stood behind me sang it out loud. I could feel that Hess so proud of Canada and also respect to it and all other people. A fan sat right behind the net of Pets punched on the protected glass when London boys missed their shots so many times. He punched and screamed loud: â€Å"Shoot that puck into the net† to show his anger on the boys and the way they played.At the corners of the rink, players of both Pets and London usually push heir rivals into the bar to make them cannot move and get hurt. Therefore, players could create chances to get the puck or help their team mates get the puck to score or protect their goal. Loon's goalie normally went out a little too far from the goal and he stood more on the left of the net. That created chances for Pets boys to get two scores into Loon's net. Lineup is a normal thing but it shows people's behaviors. Audiences waited on the line to get into the arena and also to get out during the break time. People just usually line up to buy foods, tickets†¦ ND other things else, but inning up to go washroom and waiting for quite long time is really polite and culturally. It shows people's good ethics and behaviors. It's absolutely right to say that Canadians are very polite. A London boy broke his stick while he was trying to get the stick from a Pets boy. Then he decided not to care about the stick but moving follow Pets boy to hinder him pass the puck to his team mates. He also tried to get another stick from the other boys when he got a chance. My seat is not the best place to follow all over the rink because it's hard to see what's happening on the left corners at our seats.Teases why every time suck was passed to that place, peo ple normally tried to leaned and moves their body up a bit, so they could watch the game easily; therefore they would not miss if London boys score. Clapping your hands to make applause for your home team is normal thing, but when it's done for Loon's competitor- Pets is a different story. A man that is London Knights' fan, who sat beside my section made applause for Pets boys after they had hit London boys one shot. In my opinion, that was really great shot from the left side of the net, and it should be appreciated not only by Pets fans, but also other people that are not.Almost everyone stood up, clapped their hands, and screamed loud right after London boys got one shoot into Pets' net. That's the way people cheer up for their boys and show their excitations. They kept doing it for a while until the game started again. The referees normally did not move after they dropped the puck until boys get it or shot it far away from him. They do not want their movements affect to the puck ; therefore, players could easily to follow and throw or pass it to their team mates. Social Relationships Few parents came to watch their sons play on the game.They came to enjoy he game and cheer not only for their boys, but also the others too. Taking pictures could not be forgotten because they want to capture the moments that their sons were skating, playing and enjoyed the game. Couple groups of minor players' sibling socializing cam to watch the game of London Knights. They could enjoy watching their favorite sport, but also that could be an example for them to learn how to play, what can be happened, how they can solve problems†¦ They sat together, talked to each other, and commented about the game. A few couples of husband and wife came to watch the game as the way to relax on the weekend.They sat beside each other, shared foods and drinks†¦ During the second break, kiss cam moved around to catch people's kisses and ask people to make kisses. It was wrong for few times when it mixed up two couples and made people laughing. A group of Pets fans came to Budweiser Gardens to support their boys. They sat together and talked about both London and Pets, how they play, about London†¦ They were very happy when Pets beat London boys with ratio 3-1. Some journalists also were there to watch the game and also record about it for London local newspapers. Hind that they watch it more carefully than there people because that they have to write a report later to provide the information about the game for people who did not came to. Institutions and Organizations When got into the gate, saw few groups of minor hockey organization was selling 50-50 tickets for their upcoming game next week. If you buy a ticket at Budweiser Gardens that was sold by minor hockey organization, you just need to pay half of price (it was around 10 bucks), and a lot of people like junior, parents purchased couple tickets for themselves and their kids to enjoy the game while s upport for minor hockey organization.Aluminum Associates sold stuffs of London Knights team such as: hats, stickers, pucks, jerseys†¦ That are provided to Loon's fans. They get involve with Budweiser Gardens to sell things while supporting for London boys and also bring revenue to run the team. Banshee College sold ticket of the game for Banshee students with price that under regular price to bring students to the game. They work with Budweiser to get tickets for students with cheaper price. You probably could see a lot of Banshee students with their tickets that was purchased at Biz Booth. Material GoodsSince I got into the Budweiser Gardens, could see a lot of people wear Indo Knights' jerseys: kids, men, and women, senior†¦ Not only that, they also dressed Knights' hats and scarf. Everything made a wonderful picture of white, yellow and green. A lot of people ate pizza of Pizza Pizza while they were watching the game. During the brake time, the line of people waiting fo r pizza at Pizza Pizza store was as long as other stores'. Pepsi is favorite drink for kids during the game. They also grabbed few bags Of popcorn to get ready for the show. For adult men, they bought a cups or bottle of beer like BudLight or Budweiser with French fried from Harvey's or other brands. In the second breaking time, London Toyota Company showed audiences their two brand new cars for 2014. Everyone kept talking about it for a while until the game start the third period. After the breaks, two girls sat beside me came back with a bag of Lays' chip and a Harvey's' burger. I saw some women and kids wore yellow and green cheer gloves, the main colors of London Knights. There was a kid sat in front of me with a small hockey stick with London Knights' sticker on his hand since the game starts until the end. LanguageI probably have to say that the man sat beside me during the game is one of the craziest fans Of London Knights. He screamed out loud at the guy of Pets, who put a g uy of London team on the rink: â€Å"Shut the f*** up Devils! † He looked very serious and tried to protect the player of the team he likes. â€Å"Go, Knights go! Go, Knights go! † was chanted to cheer up the spirits of players by audiences (kids and seniors almost) when they have good chance to attack and score. The sound kept going around and around with the applause, the sound of the bell from a woman, and the vaguely trumpet.It made both audiences and players feel exciting and happy. Some other young guys from the section beside me got mad when the game almost finished. When London players shot the puck out of the net of Petrography, they screamed: â€Å"That net must have a big hole! † Fans got really angry because London boys missed too many chance to get the puck into the net. When the game almost finished, referees decided to put both players Of Petrography and London into the penalty box because they got fight. The Petrography player yelled at referee: ‘What the h***? Why do I need to go there? ND continued fighting with the boy of London. Both of them finally were eliminated out of the rink. The two boys sat at the 2 lines in front of me attracted me while the discussed about the game and players: â€Å"He should shoot it immediately when he was close to the net, not waiting for others†¦ † They talked about it with a wonderful passion, and they are in live with the game. Ill. Conclusion Attending the game was the great time to relax for the weekend and finish my reading week, but got a bit disappointed because London boys were defeated 3-1 by Petrography Pets.Anyway, enjoyed the game, mingled tit the crowd, and were a part of the game like other London Knights fans. It was a good chance for parents to bring the hockey passion to their kids while showing their passions also. Junior hockey in London is great subculture for everyone who loves Hockey. It is not only the key to help junior players to become a profess ional hockey player, but also, it is the game for people to show their loves to hockey and Loon's team. In addition, London is a door for kids to see that hockey is an important passion of their lives. You cannot have the felling how London fans get crazy until you are a part Of it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi - 2268 Words

Review of Literature While I will pull from other sources, the main focus of this paper will be The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Throughout this graphic novel, Satrapi tells her life story and what it was like growing up in Iran. In the opening illustrations, she describes her childhood and her transition from a secular school to one that was religious and separated by gender. At this time it had become law for a woman to wear the veil, or head scarf when in public. Iran transitioned from a government who was forcing them to westernize, to one that legally enforced Islamic practices. Her main concentrations are the social restrictions she faced and the events that occurred around her, which included wars and revolutions. These events caused her parents to push her to flee Iran at the age of fourteen, in hopes of a better life in a European nation. She quickly developed a sense of statelessness (Satrapi). While in Europe, she was seen as â€Å"an Iranian in the Westâ⠂¬  and did not fit in, so she decided to return to Iran with hopes of once again feeling at home, but quickly realized she was now â€Å"a Westerner in Iran† (Satrapi 272). This feeling is not uncommon for the people of Iran, for their nation was being torn between Islamic traditions and invading Western ideas. The respectable representation of this can be found in The Modern Middle East: A History by James Gelvin. Gelvin gives his readers an in depth look at the Iranian Revolution and, not only tellsShow MoreRelatedThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi Essay2019 Words   |  9 Pageslargely affected the views of Iranians by other nations. The graphic novel, The Complete Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi (Satrapi, 2003), conveys many of these events and changes through the eyes of a child growing up in the 1980s in Iran. Satrapi’s main purpose for this book is to describe how the Iranian government was corrupt, causing foreign nations to have a tainted view of all Iranian citizens. The Complete Persepolis does so by presenting major events and changes in a manner that is directedRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1552 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the idea of inequality is introduced through several examples. M arjane Satrapi uses the title to comment on inequality in all aspects of Marjane’s life, including gender, religious, economic, and racial status. Although there are several forms of inequality that the title attempts to highlight within the story, it focuses primarily on the issues of gender inequality by comparing the issues that Marjane faces due to her gender and comparing itRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi903 Words   |  4 Pages In The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, the genre choice of the graphic novel vividly portrays the life-experience that Satrapi herself gone through as a youth growing up in Iran back in the 1980s. Satrapi utilizes a unique drawing style to emphasize the influence that the Islamic Republic has brought to her. The recurring action of teachers implanting Islamic values in children throughout Marjane’s education in Iran is demonstrated through a set of related images, which implicitlyRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1017 Words   |  5 PagesThis pepper identifies and analyses some of the highlights found in the culture narrative of a visual comic memoir titled â€Å"The Complete Persepolis† by Marjane Satrapi, and a culture storyline, â€Å"Code White† by Debra Anderson. Starting with â€Å"The Complete Persepolis† the book is about Satrapi’s experience as she transitions from a young woman into adulthood in Rasht, Ira n and Vienna, Australia during and after the Islamic and culture revolution between the periods of 1979-1995. The first publishedRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1185 Words   |  5 PagesThere are certain countries that are ran through dictatorship, they abuse the power they have to the country. In the story, The Complete Persepolis written by Marjane Satrapi, she changes the view towards Iran through occurrences and eastern fundamentalist ideas. In 1979, there was the Islamic revolution in Iran. This year was the year that was going to have many changes to the country. In chapter one of the Veil, there are characters and their freedom of expression being repressed as well as theRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi944 Words   |  4 Pages The Complete Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi is a graphic novel that illustrates the authors unforgettable and very rough childhood while growing up in Tehran, Iran during the Islamic Revolution. The book was basically set up with events as the chapters. For example, the chapter â€Å"The Key† describes how plastic keys were handed to the young soldiers as their way to heaven when they died. This is what they were told at least. The book starts when Marji is 10 years old, which isRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi Essay2678 Words   |  11 PagesThe Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi The Veil The reader is introduced to Marjane at 10 in Iran, 1980. She goes to school and wears a veil, just like everyone else. The women in Iran don’t want to wear a veil The new regime in Iran made it mandatory for women to wear a veil. They also segregated the schools between girls and boys Marjane says she wants to be a prophet The school thinks it’s weird that she wants to be a prophet, so they call her parents Even though she wants to be a prophetRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis Marjane Satrapi Analysis1072 Words   |  5 PagesIn her graphic novel â€Å"The Complete Persepolis,† Marjane Satrapi explores different identities and works through troubling hardships as she comes closer to who she truly is as an educated Iranian woman. Satrapi expresses the many trials and tribulations she endured while living in and out of Iran during parts of the Islamic Revolution, all whilst trying to find her identity as a child, teenager, and adult. Although she loses herself along the way, she always finds her true identity and self-worthRead MoreMarjane Satrapi s Story Of The Complete Persepolis Essay1022 Words   |  5 Pagesan unfriendly world. This is not a fictitious story. This is an actual event that happened to the author of The Complete Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi, the author of The Complete Persepolis, grew up during the 1979 Revolution. This event changed many people’s lives, e ither it was for the better or worse is hard to say. Nevertheless, it influenced Satrapi s whole life. In the book, Satrapi expresses her childhood memories through her eyes as a child. Her experiences and ancestry can be clearly shownRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi And I Am Nujood1495 Words   |  6 Pagesthe patriotism that the country gives. Having these ideals one can see that some Americans are even question their own culture, and are constantly changing it due to the surge of countercultures and trend setters. From the texts The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and I Am Nujood by Nujood Ali one can observe how western culture has affected people who are not raised within Iranian and Yemini cultures, and it grants a glimpse into other cultures and their beliefs. Despite the culture shock in